12th – 14th April 2019
Bharath Shetty Workshops
at Love Yoga

12-14th April 2019
It is with great honour and excitement that I will be hosting my teacher Bharath Shetty in April here in Aberdeen! For an entire weekend Yogacharya Bharath Shetty will be sharing over 20 years of yoga experience and wisdom in our Mysore classes and will be leading a number of workshops over the 3 days as well as some special Innovation Series Classes, which are not to be missed!
With over two decades of teaching experience, a playful approach to asana and a deeply personal knowledge of yoga philosophy this weekend will not only be a great learning opportunity but also lots of fun!
About Bharath Shetty:
Born in India, Bharath Shetty starting practicing at a young age and developed a keen interest in yoga after it helped him deal with chronic asthma. He studied intensely with the late B.K.S. Iyengar and graduated from both the Vivekananda Kendra Yoga Institute and International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre with aplomb. At only 19 years of age he opened his first studio; 14 years on, Indea Yoga was founded in Mysore with internationally applauded Mysore style classes and teacher trainings. For more information on Bharath see this Guardian article (https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2018/jan/12/mysuru-india-guide-yoga-food-hotels-restaurants) or visit his website www.indeayoga.com.
Workshop Schedule:
Friday 12th April
6-8.30am Mysore
4-5.30pm Innovation Class
Saturday 13th April
7.30-9.30am Mysore
10am-12pm Backbending Workshop
1.30-3.30pm Hip Opening Workshop
4-5.30pm Innovation Class
Sunday 14th April
7.30-9.30am Mysore
10am-12pm Transitions Workshop
1.30-3.30pm Balancing & Inversions Workshop
4-5.30pm Innovation Class
Workshops £30 each (£25 students)
Innovation Classes £20 each (£15 students)
£70 for 1 day (£55 students)
£150 for whole weekend (£120 students)
Mysore classes will run as normal with Bharath co-teaching alongside Charlie. These will be charged at the usual Mysore rate.
The workshops are open to all.
The Innovation series plays with different back bending, hip opening and balancing asanas (including Adho Mukha Vrikshasana and Pincha Mayurasana). Although this is a led class the sequence will be different each time and will involve postures and transitions not typically seen in most traditional sequencing. Suitable for all levels.
For the Mysore sessions it is recommended that students have some experience of practicing in this style. For those interested, there are ‘Introduction to Mysore’ classes on 2nd March and 6th April.
Any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch. Charlie@yogabycharlie.co.uk
Places are limited! To book your space contact Charlie Yoga By Charlie