28th – 30th September 2018
Foundations of Practice – Growing & Grounding
at Love Yoga

28-30th September 2018 @ Love Yoga
Over this weekend we will be examining the fundamental roots that form a sustainable practice, through exploration of five main aspects: forward bends, back bends, balances, twists and inversions. Starting with the foundational elements we will build upon these to more intermediate and advanced postures. In addition to the asana, some time will be devoted on each day to two other key components: breath and bandhas. Working in this way creates a strong basis which in turn leads to a healthy practice. Such focus on strengthening our roots will also address how to manage present injuries and prevent future ones. Whether you are new to yoga or a long term practitioner, this workshop will help you ground deeper into your practice and challenge the limits of your growth.
Friday 6-8pm Twists £20
Saturday 8.30-11.30am Backbends £30
Saturday 12.30-3.30pm Forward Bends £30
Sunday 8.30-11.30am Balances £30
Sunday 12.30-3.30pm Inversions £30
One day- £50
Full weekend- £100
Contact Charlie@yogabycharlie.co.uk to book your space
Workshops £30 each (£25 students)
Innovation Classes £20 each (£15 students)
£70 for 1 day (£55 students)
£150 for whole weekend (£120 students)
Mysore classes will run as normal with Bharath co-teaching alongside Charlie. These will be charged at the usual Mysore rate.
The workshops are open to all.
The Innovation series plays with different back bending, hip opening and balancing asanas (including Adho Mukha Vrikshasana and Pincha Mayurasana). Although this is a led class the sequence will be different each time and will involve postures and transitions not typically seen in most traditional sequencing. Suitable for all levels.
For the Mysore sessions it is recommended that students have some experience of practicing in this style. For those interested, there are ‘Introduction to Mysore’ classes on 2nd March and 6th April.
Any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch. Charlie@yogabycharlie.co.uk
Places are limited! To book your space contact Charlie Yoga By Charlie