11-13th November 2022
Gathering Around the Fire – Yoga, Mythology & the Dance Drama of Life
A whole weekend of Storytelling, Song, Movement, Meditation & Inquiry with James Boag
at Love Yoga

During this weekend we will dive deep into the rich practical resources encoded in yogic mythology. James has a great knack of making the ancient yogic stories very relatable, with evocative storytelling and practical, insightful interpretation. With practical explorations using movement, meditation, communication games and inquiry exercises, we’ll gain greater appreciation of the perennial support and wisdom of the yoga tradition, helping us deepen our understanding of why and how yoga works in the context of our lives today.
All sessions will be practical and may involve movement, meditation, singing, inquiry, and in this immersion, there will likely be a storytelling element in most of the sessions.
Friday 5-6.45pm
1. Introduction: Yoga and the story of human life.
Where have we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? Microcosm and macrocosm, the Sāṅkhya-Yoga story of evolution, consciousness and intelligence.
Life as a participative narrative. Sanskṛt aesthetics, rasa and bhāva and the dance drama of life, Purāṇa and the perennial challenges and opportunities of human existence.
Friday 7.30pm
Gathering Around the Fire (weather permitting, location TBC)
Saturday 9-10am
Intro to Sanskṛt sounds and recitation – We learn and practice the sounds of Sanskṛt, then apply what we have learnt singing the liṅgāṣṭakam eight verses to śiva hymn.
Saturday 10am-12.30pm
2. Movement based session using yogic mythology as our frame for practical and empowering exploration.
Saturday 2pm-4.30pm
3. Mythology, communication, storytelling and song. With practical philosophy, movement and meditation.
Sunday 9-10am
Intro to reciting the anuṣṭubh metre – the metre that the vast majority of Sanskṛt is written in, including most of the Bhagavad Gītā. The Gītā also includes some verses in triṣṭubh.
Sunday 10am-12.30pm
4. Movement based session using yogic mythology as our frame for practical and empowering exploration.
Sunday 2pm-4.30pm
5. Mythology, communication, storytelling and song. With practical philosophy, movement and meditation.
Whole Weekend (Includes 5 workshops, bonfire and refreshments + 2 BONUS Sanskrit Recitation classes)
£170 EARLY BIRD price
(available for the first 10 bookings- email me for a code)
£200 thereafter
Individual Workshops £50
Sanskrit Recitation classes £20
Any amounts donated beyond the £200/£170 price will go into the assisted place/scholarship fund. Please contact me if you would like an assisted/scholarship place