22nd – 24th September 2023

Move Out of Your Way
We are delighted to announce our 2023 workshop: MOVE OUT OF YOUR WAY. Over the course of 22nd-24th September we will be covering handstands, binds and backbends as well as pranayama, japa meditation and chanting. Although there will be lots of focus on physical postures, the ultimate aim is to show that in moving the body you will learn how to get out of your own way on the deeper journey of yoga. All are welcome! We’ll see you at @loveyogacommunity
Friday 22nd 6-7.30pm
This first module will introduce the key concepts that we’ll explore over the course of the weekend. There will be a specific pranayama sequence taught which will then be repeated each module. Ultimately asana is an exploration of breath within movement; indeed everything starts with the breath. This session will finish with a guided japa meditation – an opportunity to melt into the deeper aspects of the yogic practice and let busy minds settle.
Saturday 23rd 10-12am
Here we will build stable foundations as we set our eyes on handstands, looking at fundamental principles of being upside down. Starting with basics, we’ll approach hand balancing from a variety of angles suitable for all levels of ability. At the end of this session (and each of the following) we’ll revisit the pranayama sequence from the first module in order to calm and soothe our nervous systems. You do not need to be able to do a handstand to attend; find joy in the journey rather than the destination!
Saturday 23rd 1.30-3.30pm
Binds are a sometimes complex but very common group of postures in yogic asana, where limbs are seemingly tied into knots. Although binds require much shoulder mobility, the hips are intricately involved with these postures too, and so our scope will also include the pelvic region as well as shoulder girdle. Throughout the sessions we’ll cover arm binds, lotus and maybe even leg behind the head! Again, time will be taken to build up from simple to advanced levels – all are welcome.
Sunday 24th 10-12am
Backbending is challenging mostly because we don’t commonly do it in everyday life! In this module, we aim to break down the essence of these postures, making them more accessible and joyful. Starting with simple foundations we shall inspect a variety of spinal extensions, from lying on the belly to standing up and literally bending over backwards! Whether you’re a backbend lover or dreader, there’s a place for you in this workshop.
Sunday 24th 1.30-3.30pm
Postures and breath are the main ingredients in the physical yogic practice, but at a certain point one must ask oneself “why am I doing this?” As we finish the weekend we will spend time exploring the philosophy that underpins asana, using Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as a guide. We will explain why we think postural and pranayama practice are so important for more than just physical benefit, and how they may help you gain greater self knowledge, understanding, and balance.
Individual Workshops
Full Weekend
If you purchase a package, please ensure you book onto all the sessions you wish to join. You should receive a confirmation email for each one.
Cancellation Policy:
Full refund (minus fees) until 8th September