28th -29th January 2023


10-11.30am Let’s Flush it Out! 

Yoga & Talking Circle – with Julia Milne 

Nurturing yoga session to start the weekend with self care and kindness. This is followed by a talking circle, a chance to share and listen to the experiences, thoughts and feelings of others. This will be guided by principles of confidentiality, listening without judgement, self study and compassion for self and others.

12-1pm Nutrition for Menopause 

Busting nutrition myths- with Lyndsey Thompson

2-2.30pm Western Medical Perspective & HRT

Talk & discussion on HRT options- with Jane Ah-see

2.30-4pm Shiatsu Self-Care Points

Relaxing with Shiatsu and points for self use for symptoms- with Laura Davison


10-11.30am Rest and Restore

Menopausal insomnia and sleep support with Ali Wiseman

12-1pm Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herb Tasting

– with Martin Julich

2-3pm Breathwork & Meditation

– with Charlie Grange

3-4pm Acupuncture for Menopausal Symptoms & Stress Relief

– with Esther Marsal & Kevin Hush Anderson

Full Weekend


Saturday Only


Sunday Only


Please ensure you follow the booking system to the end to complete payment. You will receive a confirmation email once you have booked successfully. Thank you!

Please do not let finances stop you from booking; contact charlie@yogabycharlie.co.uk for more info