Rescheduled for 3rd – 5th June 2022
6th – 8th May 2022

Sarah Hatcher Workshop:
Successful and Soulful Ashtanga Yoga Practice
All levels are welcome for the workshop; those new to yoga please attend Friday night‘s session.
Friday 5-6.45pm
Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Practice: the Art of Successful Long term Practice
Join Sarah for an introduction to Ashtanga Yoga with a study of Surya Namaskar, the Art of Vinyasa and a look at the ujjayi breath and the subtle bandhas which support our practises. This class is an all-levels class, suitable for the newbie to ashtanga yoga as well as the seasoned practitioner.
Saturday 7.30-9.30am
Led Primary Series with Pranayama
Join Sarah for a counted Led Primary Series; modifications will be offered and alternative options for each vinyasa will be taught. Class ends with Pranayama and chanting.
Saturday 12-2:30 pm
Samastitiḥ Study: how to Build Stability and Longevity in Yoga
Join Sarah for an investigation of what it means to practice with samastitiḥ integrity. With a look at Samastitiḥ, we will take this awareness further and move into the great twists and inversions in the ashtanga yoga practice. Bandhas and stability are required for both, and this class will look at how to stay safe when twisting and moving upside down.
Saturday 3-4pm
Chanting and Bhakti: The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali and the Yoga Tārāvali
Sarah will discuss the philosophy that supports the practice of ashtanga yoga: these two texts, The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali and the Yoga Tārāvali by Ādi Śankāra. There will be a lesson on sanskrit pronunciation and the art of chanting. All students are welcome, no need for chanting experience before. Please bring your favourite Yoga Sutra book with you for this class.
Sunday 7.30-9.30am
Mysore Style of Practice
Doors open at 7 am for this guided self-practice class with Sarah. All levels welcome to come practice in the style ashtanga yoga is most known for: guided self practice in the group environment. Sarah will give hands-on adjustments as well as verbal cues and demonstrations to teach and share the method she has learned from her teachers David Garrigues and Dena Kingsberg.
Sunday 12-3pm
The Backbends of Ashtanga Yoga: a Workshop on the Art of Mindful Backending
Join Sarah for a look at the main backbends of ashtanga yoga. How do we backbend with stamina, stability, and freedom? Where is the foundation in your backbend? Explore postures like Urdvha Mukho Svanasana (Upward Dog), Urdvha Dhanurasana (Upward Bow) and more for this all levels class on how to maintain a safe and healthy spine through yoga.
Full Weekend
Individual Class
If you purchase a package for multiple workshops please ensure you book onto all sessions